缠绕工艺在管件加工上相对于其他工艺的优越性在于其保持纤维连续性的前提下,提供足够的预紧力使得树脂能够更好的对其进行浸润(避免了层间可能产生的气泡引起的缺陷)。通过对复合材料铺层深入研究,缠绕程序优秀设计,缠绕角度准确控制,合适的碳纤维的选择以及完备的后续产品测试等一系列工艺要素的精准把控,使用缠绕I艺制成的管件,尤其是形状特殊的异形管件在很多场合都越来越拥有取代金属管材的趋势。碳纤维含量高的管件, 拥有更轻的重量,和更高的总体性能。经过与其他工艺/设备的结合,我们的Towpreg缠绕工艺甚至可以制成弯管,工字梁等在工业领域拥有广泛前景的产品。The advantage of filament winding technology in the process of making tubes,is thatit can provide enough preloading to ensure resin distribution throughout thelamination (avoiding the possible local weakness caused by air bubbles betweenlayers). In-depth study of the composite lamination design, unique windingprogramming design, accurate control of winding angle, appropriate carbon fiberselection and advanced quality control, with precise control to all process points, thetubes made by filament winding, especially the abnormity tube with special shapehave more and more chance to take the place of normal metal tubes in industry area.Tubes with high carbon fiber content have lighter weight, as well as the higher overallperformance. With the combination of other processes and equipment, our Towpregfilament winding process can even be used to make bent tubes, I-beam and otherproducts with broad prospects in the industrial field.